I wanted to create a simulation based on how I play Blackjack. I assume that I sit down with $200 at a table and want to double my money. The table minimum is $10 per hand. If I am ahead I raise my bet if I am down I chase my money. I assume the odds of winning at 43% and the odds of tying are 8%.
The output looks like this:
After 500 Attempts you lost:$39200
Finished Up:42, Finished Down:8, Lost Everything:335, Hit Goal:115
This a my Java based simulation:
public void test() {
int simCount=500;
int hitGoal=0;
int lostEverything=0;
int finishedUp=0;
int finishedDown=0;
int totalLost=0;
for (int sim = 0; sim < simCount; sim++) {
int minBet = 10;
int startingPurse = 200;
int chanceOfWinning = 43;
int chanceOfTying = 8;
int curBet = minBet;
int purse = startingPurse;
int maxHands = 200;
int handCount = 0;
int topPurse = 0;
int topHand = 0;
int maxBet = 0;
int goal = 400;
int winningCombos[] = new int[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
winningCombos[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < chanceOfWinning; i++) {
int num = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() % 100);
while (winningCombos[num] == 1) {
num = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000 % 100);
winningCombos[num] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < chanceOfTying; i++) {
int num = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() % 100);
while (winningCombos[num] != 0) {
num = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000 % 100);
winningCombos[num] = 2;
while (handCount++ < maxHands && purse > 0 && purse < goal) {
int num = (int) Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000 % 100);
if (winningCombos[num] == 1) {
purse += curBet;
else if (winningCombos[num] == 2) {
else {
purse -= curBet;
if (purse < startingPurse) {
curBet = startingPurse - purse + minBet;
if (purse - curBet < 0) {
curBet = purse;
else if(purse>startingPurse&&purse<startingPurse+(3*curBet)){
curBet = minBet;
if (curBet > maxBet) {
maxBet = curBet;
if (purse > topPurse) {
topPurse = purse;
topHand = handCount;
System.out.println("Sat down at a $" + minBet + " minimum table with $" + startingPurse);
System.out.println("Finished after " + (handCount - 1) + " hands with $" + purse);
System.out.println("Has a maximum of $" + topPurse + " on hand " + topHand);
System.out.println("Most bet on a hand $" + maxBet);
System.out.println("After "+simCount+" Attempts you lost:$"+totalLost);
System.out.println("Finished Up:"+finishedUp+", Finished Down:"+finishedDown+", Lost Everything:"+lostEverything+", Hit Goal:"+hitGoal);
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